Captain Bob Beighley
Captain Bob Beighley is a trusted fishing guide throughout the Florida Keys. He has a passion for Catch and Release (with a pic!). His journey has led him to his little slice of paradise in Cudjoe Key, where we caught up with him on a recent trip to share his passion for salt water angling.
Q - What is one of the things that make being a Captain and sought-after fishing guide different from a “regular job”?
Every day is different. Tides, water temperature, wind direction and speed are constantly changing. You have a range of different clients looking for different experiences. Solving the pieces of the puzzle is one of the best parts of the job.
Q - This place is truly paradise! How did you end up here?
I came down here to go Tarpon fishing 20 years ago with a friend. In Maryland we can only fish about 4-5 months a year. I loved the clear water and sight fishing made the Keys very appealing. Not to mention - I never have to shovel snow!
Q - What makes the flats of the Florida Keys such a great place to fish?
The flats of the Keys have the best opportunity for catching migrating Tarpon in clear water. On top of that we have trophy size Bonefish & Permit. If the water gets cold we can strike out for big barracuda, trout, redfish and sharks.
Q - What style of fishing are you most passionate about?
I’m not a fishing snob! I like any kind of fishing as I like to be well rounded. That being said, I want nothing to do with ice fishing. My favorite thing to fish for is permit on a fly. If you can catch one in three days, you’re doing pretty good. It’s the hardest fish in the world to catch as far as I know.
Q - Last question - how did you become a Pap's Ambassador?
I had the pleasure of guiding Jim & Wendy a few years back. At some point, they asked if I like jerky; I absolutely love beef jerky! We shared some and I was hooked on Pap’s. Some time later Jim got in touch and asked if I would be interested in being an ambassador for them. It was a no brainer - I love jerky, I love Pap’s jerky and I love fishing! I said count me in and it has been great ever since!